Racekarts Inc. Website
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Race Karts! Inc. Website

Flash business promotion site.

Status: www.racekartsinc.com.
Project Responsibilities: Strategic planning, design, Flash development, hosting setup, site deployment, SEO, and ongoing maintenance (with Zeist Design).

Unique Aspects: Of course, we had to do some kart racing "research" to get a real feel for the project.  We also used some interesting techniques to convey motion throughout the site.  It worked and was great fun, to boot!

Project Summary: A go- kart racing school in Northern California wanted to upgrade their web presence with a site that reflected their dynamic and exciting kart racing focus.  The owner of the school wanted a dynamic Flash site that would engage the viewer and effectively communicate the fun and excitement of kart racing to the viewers.   Skram Consulting was retained to plan, design and execute the site.  We have also been retained to maintain the site and to provide Web marketing and SEO services.
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